Public Art> > Circular - Arte na Praça Adolpho Bloch > 3ª Edição: Sentar - Ler - Escrever
São Paulo, September 2020 – March 2021

Is the name of the 3rd edition of the Project, Circular – art in the square Adolpho Bloch, that for the first time received two international artists, the Mexican Jorge Méndez Blake and the French designer Delphine Araxi Sanoian.
After several months in home confinement, through small halls, upraises more than ever an appetite for fresh air and enjoy the parks and public gardens of the city.
Sentar - Ler - Escrever was an exhibition in which the artists gave us lines of thought. The main goal was to create a forum of ideas that could help us renew our minds after months of quarantining and promote the creativity within each and every one of us. We wanted to offer the public a unique experience that we could rebuild after confinement, a garden to restart in peace. Stop, sit and reconnect with yourself.
Claudia Jaguaribe
Delphine Araxi Sanoian
Felipe Seixas
Flávio Brick
Graziella Pinto
Jorge Méndez Blake
Lucas Dupin
Maria Fernanda Paes de Barros and
Kulikyrda Mehinako - from the Kaupüna tribe
Renata Adler
Renata Barros
Rodrigo Bueno
Susanne Schirato
Verena Smit
Photos: Anderson Jacob

Felipe Seixas

Flávio Brick

Renata Barros

Renata Barros
Verena Smit