Art > Circular - Arte na Praça Adolpho Bloch > 1ª Edição: Árvore! -
A tragédia da paisagem
São Paulo, August 2019 - January 2020
We enter into a nostalgia for the healing of the world. At this moment when we are opening our exhibition, the world has already spent more than what the Earth has to offer us. We entered the overdraft ... This issue of the illness of the Earth, was already on the agenda in the 19th century, in a period when the society of Europe was moving from a strong materialistic inclination towards a feeling of disillusionment. New spiritual impulses were beginning to be felt. This change found expression in a reappraisal of the natural world, seen as a divine creation, in contrast to the artificiality of man-made civilization. That is why we selected this image based on a key work by Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840), “The traveler over the sea of fog”. This man represents each one of us in the face of a Nature in danger. The exhibition “Arvore! – A tragédia da paisagem” (Tree! The landscape tragedy), which is the first exhibition of the Circular Project - Art in Praça Adopho Bloch - SP, wants to reinforce this concern. Most of the guest artists have chosen to talk about the theme of the tree, others offer to sit down to enjoy the beauty of the Adolpho Bloch square or to send positive messages of hope for a future world where the salvation of Nature will be more guaranteed or transformed.
City dwellers often see trees as simple "biological robots" designed to produce oxygen and wood. However, for the German forestry expert Peter Wohlleben, whose best seller "The Hidden Life of Trees" enchanted his readers with his information (already proven by biologists for years), who shows us mainly that trees are social beings and launches the revolutionary hypothesis of a "plant intelligence" that could provide answers to many of today's environmental challenges. According to Wohllenben, trees can count, learn and memorize, in addition to behaving like nurses to sick neighbors. They also warn of dangers by sending signals through a network of mushrooms ironically called "Wood Wide Web" ... The author is one of those who have developed, through his aesthetic and scientific training, a strong and intimate connection with trees, these members more from the community of the living, highlighting the beauty and wealth of these great protagonists of the world who today live in massive threat.
This first exhibition, “Arvore! – A tragédia da paisagem” from the CIRCULAR – Arte na Praça Adolpho Bloch, in São Paulo, intended to make its small contribution to a reflection on what today is the thought about Nature and the tree. A subject that Brazil, which has the privilege of counting on its territory with the Amazon rainforest, a natural reserve that because of its importance attracts the interest of the whole world, cannot avoid it. We hope that our square will be a good place to rethink such a current issue, which is our relationship with the world, with nature and with trees in general. During the exhibition had the opportunity to invite different personalities and environmental specialists who came to discuss, in the midst of the works in the gardens of Adolpho Bloch square, themes related to trees, and their importance for our future.
Caciporé Torres
Camille Kachani
Ciro Schu
Douglas White
Erika Malzoni
Felippe Moraes
Hugo França
Oskar Metsavaht
Photos: Anderson Jacob

Camille Kachani