Public Art > Circular - Arte na Praça Adolpho Bloch > 4ª Edição: Orgânico
São Paulo, June - December 2021

By definition, an "organic" product is a product that comes from organic farming, but today everything is organic, from organic clothing to carpets, even mineral water and toys are organic... It's a confusion with the term "ecological", sometimes an “ethical” question or simply “eco-responsible” talking about what is designed with materials that respect the environment?
In countries where ecology has been a way of life influencing all strata of society, the difference between the concepts "green" and "organic" is more clearly marked. This term refers to all products for daily use with an ecological vocation or reserved for products from organic agriculture. We speak of "green", "environmentally friendly" or "sustainable". The term "organic" mainly refers to products from organic farming...
In recent decades, the world has changed rapidly on a global scale, much faster than in previous millennia. Simply putting "eco" in front of words does not sufficiently resolve the discomfort experienced by current generations. A new concept now emerges, the neologism "solastalgia" which expresses a sentiment felt by many of us around the world today. It is the sense of desolation caused by the devastation of our habitat that defines our present time. For the art world, this is a key issue. Exhibitions, biennials, debates, seminars address the themes of the Anthropocene and the Symbiocene, a word coined by Glenn Albrecht, philosopher, environmentalist and Australian farmer. He defends a vision of the world that leads humanity to positively understand the ecological changes in its environment and to think differently about its relationship with nature.
The artists' relationship with Nature and the forest has become a recurrent theme. That is why the 4th edition of the project Circular - Arte na Praça Adolpho Bloch is wanted to be an introduction and show some Brazilian artists who propose works to express the positive or negative emotions caused by the state of the environment on the planet and who are creating a new concept of living in community.