Art > Circular - Arte na Praça Victor Civita > Rizza
São Paulo, 2021

In 2021 the Praça Victor Civita was renovated and as has happened with the Praça Adolpho Bloch, a number of exhibitions will since then take place in its grounds. The exhibitions will give the space to only one artist at a time, who will interact with the main building and the gardens. Exception to this exhibition policy, was the presentation of the piece “A Criação” by Rizza which had been exhibited during the 2nd version of the Circular - Arte na Praça Adolpho Bloch project. The idea was to give another approach to this work initially presented in the context of a garden. This is part of the dialogues that will take place after our various exhibitions, giving other angles of vision for some of the works that we have presented.
A Criação (The Creation) - 2020
Mirror and aluminum - 288 x 346 x 346 cm
By exploring themes such as sacred geometry, energy relationships, cosmology, and the formation of Nature, Rizza appropriates elements such as crystals. These are characteristic of the reflection and interaction between light, color and sound that the artist translates into her artistic language. The shapes around us are also part of our universe, and geometry is present in the structure of all of Nature's formations, ranging from atoms to galaxies. In “The Creation”, the artist quotes Plato for whom the cube is a primordial form. It is associated with the element-earth and corresponds to the root chakra, being the basis of the construction of reality. With a mirrored surface, Rizza's sculpture floats on a water mirror located in front of the large glass windows of the Praça Victor Civita building and thus creates a new perception of space where the rigidity of geometric shapes dissolves into dialoguing with the reflection of the environment. |