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Eduardo Coimbra, Rio de Janeiro, 2009
Bijoux-Sculptures, L’Art vous va si bien, La Piscine de Roubaix, 2008 Vasco Araujo, ADIAC Portugal, 2007 Joana Vasconcelos, ADIAC Portugal,
Accrochage n°1
Ateliês do Rio de Janeiro, 2006
Luzboa, the second Biennale of the art of Light of Lisbon, 2006 Antonio Julio Duarte, ADIAC Portugal, 2006 Accrochage n°1, Collection Berardo, Palais de Santos Lisbonne, 2005
Erik Samakh
Caminhos para a Integração, 2005
Miguel Palma, ADIAC Portugal, 2005 Luzboa, the first Biennale of the art of Light of Lisbon, 2004 Exposition d’Erik Samakh, Argentine - Brésil - Chili-Pérou 2001-2002
Cêramicas de Picasso
Egito Faraônico, Casa França Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 2001-2002
Agendas de l’Ambassade de France au Brésil 2001-2002-2003 Brazil-Europe, Caixa Econômica, Brasilia, Brazil 2000 Cêramicas de
Picasso, Casa França Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 1999-2000
Dan Flavin, Centro Cultural Light, 1998 Rodchenko, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, 1997 Walk on the SoHo Side, SoHo - New York, 1996 Art From Brazil in New-York, Tunga, 1995
Stephen Dean, livre-boite de cartes postales, 1995 Avant-Garde Walk a Venezia, Biennale de Venise, 1995 Agenda de l’art aux éditions du Chêne, 1990 Critiques & Artistes, 1989
David Boeno, 1989 Architectures, 1989 Influences Magazines, 1988  


With a passion for books, Marc Pottier has participated in the publishing of a number of books, independently, with ADIAC or, especially, each time budget allowed, exhibitions were documented by a catalogue. Marc Pottier also participates to articles and editorials which are present in this part of the site.